Screaming orgasms and standing ovations

I’ve always looked forward to the day when I leave a huge theatre stage to a standing ‘o’.” But last weekend in Kansas City, a lady in the front row remixed that fantasy and handed me this “Screaming O” cock ring during my act. Yup. In real life. People ask me why I tape all of my sets… This is the answer:

I heart my job.

No Hate

This afternoon I drove up to the Gay Community Center in Richmond to take my photo for the NOH8 campaign! I’ve been looking forward to this for months. I’ve wanted to be part of this movement since the first time I saw one of Adam Bouska’s awesome photos, but I was never able to make any of the open photo shoots held in my area until today. In case you’ve been living in a cave and aren’t familiar with this movement, here’s a little background:

On November 4, 2008 Proposition 8 passed in California, amending the state Constitution to ban same-sex marriage. The defeat provoked a groundswell of initiative within the GLBT community at a grassroots level, with many new political and protest organizations being formed in response.

The NOH8 Campaign is a photographic silent protest created by celebrity photographer Adam Bouska and partner Jeff Parshley in direct response to the passage of Proposition 8. Photos feature subjects with duct tape over their mouths, symbolizing their voices being silenced by Prop 8 and similar legislation around the world, with “NOH8” painted on one cheek in protest.

When I got there I was number 168, but the line moved super fast. To keep us entertained while we waited for our numbers to be called, there were several drag queens who performed, and there were also some impromptu dance numbers by random audience members. Too much fun.

It takes them between 4 and 8 weeks to send you your final, retouched photo. Can’t wait to get mine! The session went so fast I didn’t even have the chance to get my smize together, but I’ve seen enough of his photos to know I was in good hands! Hooray for this!


I posted this photo on my Facebook page a couple months ago while I was sitting at a bar in Chicago. My beer of choice is Yuengling when available, but since it wasn’t, I ordered a Stella. Because the chalice makes me feel classy. Well, a few weeks after this I get an e-mail from my high-school friend Marques who now works for Anheuser-Busch. He saw my post and wanted to send me a chalice so I could drink whatever beverage I wanted out of it and still feel fancy. How nice is that??!?

I chose ornch soda. ‘Cause nothing says class like drinking ornch soda out of a gold-rimmed chalice. Fave Christmas gift! He actually sent a set of 6. I feel a cocktail party coming on…


Vicks VapoRub: Bad Business Model

I had an ex boyfriend who was a terrible complainer when he was sick. I remember having this conversation with him once:

ME: Would it make you feel better if I rubbed some Vicks on your chest?
HIM: No. But I think I’d feel better if you let me rub some on yours.
ME: But I’m not… Oh, wait… Freak.

Moving on… I have bad allergies. And I’m not great about taking my Flonase every day, so I often find myself really congested at nite. Thank goodness for my trusty jar of Vicks VapoRub. A little dab right under the nostrils and I’m breathing easy and drifting off to sleep in no time. I realized last nite though, that I can’t remember ever buying a jar of Vicks. Ever. In my whole life. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure (no BS) that the jar I’m currently using is the same jar my mom sent me off to college with. I posted about it on Twitter just as I was laying down last nite:

Turns out I’m not the only one. One Twitter friend sent me this photo of a Vicks jar that expired in August 2006 that he’s still using:

Here’s another response I got:

I have no idea what the expiration date was on my jar — it’s long since been vapo-rubbed off. But I’m willing to bet cash money that it was in the 20th century… Here’s the thing the folks at Vicks don’t understand: Putting an expiration date on something you don’t have to ingest that still works as advertised is not going to deter people from using it past that date. To paraphrase BFF Jenny, Vicks is like menthol Twinkies. And the jars are so large — who’s ever gotten to the bottom of a jar of Vicks? It’s a product I love and use often and I’ve only needed one of it my entire adult life. Booker T. Washington, I’m nowhere close to the bottom of my jar. I’m not sure how this is a lucrative business model for them. Maybe if they made it the size of ChapStick, or it started smelling like ass after the expiration date… but as it stands now, I don’t understand how they are getting any repeat business. ‘Cause anyone who’s getting to the bottom of a jar of Vicks on a regular basis is clearly on the verge of death and won’t be a customer for very long. I have no problem pointing this out to them because I clearly have enough Vicks on hand right now to will to my non-existent, future grandchildren. So if you work for the Vicks corporation or you know someone who does, feel free to pass this along to them. No charge. That’s what I’m here for.

You’re welcome.

Pumps & Punchlines

I had the pleasure of performing at the kickoff of an awesome new comedy concert series called Pumps & Punchlines in Schenectady, NY last Friday! As you may have guessed from the title, it’s an all female show. And it features some of the funniest ladies in the country!… Or does it sound too self-important when I say that? I was talking about the other ladies (Erin Foley, Rachel Feinstein, and Renee Gauthier), not me… Not that I don’t think I’m funny, just…

Oh nevermind.

The show was at the Mainstage at Proctors Theatre, which is just a gorgeous room.

Standing on the stage looking out, I’d swear it was the theatre where MJJ shot the video for “You Are Not Alone.”

Continue reading →

Drinking & Drowning

I try to run camera at all my shows. In case I come up with a new idea, to flesh out something I’ve been working on, or to capture any fun, random moments that may happen with the crowd. Last weekend in Virginia Beach there was a guy sitting up front who would smile after a joke he liked, but never laughed. So I decided to talk to him, and it led to me to a funny story I almost never tell. I hope you enjoy. And don’t feel guilty for laughing. Some stereotypes are really funny.