Et tu, B & J?


So… if you hadn’t heard already… for the month of January Ben & Jerry’s has changed the name of their famous Butter Pecan ice cream to … wait for it… “Yes Pecan.” I can’t be mad because the proceeds are at least going to a good cause that actually has something to do with politics and Barack Obama … But really.


Thanks Jenny for sending this on!

Thank You Lord. Thank You Lord.

Last nite while I was on my way to Richmond for a show, my car hit a patch of ice and I spun out on 395 South. I spun from one side of the highway all the way across to the other side and back — the whole time doing 360’s. I heard voices in my head telling me to “steer into the spin” but I didn’t know which way that was and all I was doing was making it worse. When the car finally stopped spinning I was facing oncoming traffic and all I could do was cover my face and brace for the impact.

No one hit me.

There were four lanes of traffic headed towards me at freeway speed in pouring down rain and the front car in each lane was able to stop short of hitting me without causing any additional accidents. As things started to back up, the people behind them began to honk their horns. But we all sat there for about 10-15 seconds looking at each other. I stared each of those people in the face before I pulled off to the side of the road and cried.

I was fine. A little shaken up. But alive.

After I gathered myself I had a decision to make. Do I go on to Richmond for the shows I promised a friend I’d be there for? Or do I go home, decompress and meditate on what just happened? I decided to go to the show. God had spared me, and there would definitely be time for contemplation later, but I figured that what I needed to do right then was thank and bless Him, and go on to the show and talk it out on stage. That may sound weird to some folks, but for me it was a no-brainer.

This is me and my friend Bam after the show. Looks like the same ol' me, but it is not.

This is me and my friend Bam after the show. Looks like a regular ol' nite, but I assure you, it was not.

I made it to the club just in time for the show, so I only had enough time to change my shirt and finger through my hair before I had to go up. But I’m glad I didn’t have a lot of time. I started my set off by saying, “I’m not sure if this is any way to begin a comedy show…” And then I told them the story. The craziest thing I’ve learned as a comic — and you hear this all the time — is that there is humor in every situation. It really is true. Even in what had just happened to me. I told the audience how as I’m facing oncoming traffic waiting for the blow, my GPS said,“RECALCULATING. WHEN POSSIBLE MAKE A U-TURN.” Obviously I knew I was facing the wrong direction. That got maybe the biggest laugh of my set.

Not that I recommend harrowing, near death experiences as a means to come up with new material, but it happened nonetheless. Today I’m a little sore. A little stiff. Still a little shaken up. And super grateful. Perhaps this is what had to happen for me to make some necessary changes in my life. Humor really is the best gift we were given. Believe that.

Thank You Lord.


If Sanjay Gupta’s gonna be Surgeon General…

Then I think Obama should have just gone ahead and exclusively appointed TV celebrity personalities to his Cabinet. Maybe they wouldn’t be as effective as the people he’s already chosen, but they’d be cuter ;)

P.S. I understand that the surgeon general isn’t a cabinet-level position, but please… play along :)

Sanjay Gupta

Sanjay Gupta - Surgeon General

Here’s who else I may have picked to round out the Cabinet:

Judge Joe Brown

Judge Joe Brown for Attorney General

Judge Joe don’t take no mess…
Niecy Nash

Niecy Nash for Secretary of the Interior

She’ll clean things up and make them FABULOUS!
Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan for Secretary of Defense

He may not be too good at the ‘secretary’ part – But I’d trust him to kick anyone’s ass.


Xzibit for Transpo Sec.???

or maybe Vin Diesel…
Vin Diesel

Either way, we got a Black guy in the position (Just admit it, Vin) and we’d be riding in style…

OK, this is getting too silly now… but you get the point. I know Sanjay Gupta is a neurosurgeon… but he’s also a TV ho. Just seems weird to me. Any other cabinet suggestions? Get at me and let me know ;)

Dude, he’s a drop-out!

I think it’s hilarious that Sarah Palin can’t accept that her future (yeah right) son-in-law not being enrolled in school makes him a drop-out…

Perhaps she thinks he’s just on a break with HS

So what if he’s in a correspondence course? That’s what people who drop out of school DO to get a diploma. No disrespect to folks who’ve done it that way, but let’s call it what it is.

Yes I would — if I could afford it…

OK so here’s the thing… A friend sent me this Obama newspaper clutch by Armando Javier for the dumb Obama-phernalia section of the blog. And while half my brain sees why she sent it to me and understands why I should be as dismissive of it as I’ve been with all the other Obama-phernalia, there’s a part of me that wants to cop this bag.


Obama Purse

I mean, I AM the girl who bought a purse made from a Bible:


It goes against everything I thought I stood for… and I’m poor so I couldn’t buy it anyway… But I enjoy an interesting conversation piece when it comes to a bag, so shoot me… I’d probably never carry it though — if that helps to redeem myself at all in your eyes.

I’m just being honest.

I was attacked by a mountain lion…

So, when I was in Virginia Beach last weekend there was a woman in the front row who had her foot up elevated on the stage and she had one of those foot boots on… So I asked her what happened… Please watch the video below for her response:

She and her friend were such good sports. I didn’t mean to mock the seriousness of what happened to her, but seeing that she survived and was OK, I couldn’t stop asking questions. It’s the kind of thing you see on the Today Show…

P.S. Koorosh, please stay in touch. I hope to see you out in DC sometime!