OK so here’s the thing… A friend sent me this Obama newspaper clutch by Armando Javier for the dumb Obama-phernalia section of the blog. And while half my brain sees why she sent it to me and understands why I should be as dismissive of it as I’ve been with all the other Obama-phernalia, there’s a part of me that wants to cop this bag.


Obama Purse

I mean, I AM the girl who bought a purse made from a Bible:


It goes against everything I thought I stood for… and I’m poor so I couldn’t buy it anyway… But I enjoy an interesting conversation piece when it comes to a bag, so shoot me… I’d probably never carry it though — if that helps to redeem myself at all in your eyes.

I’m just being honest.

2 thoughts on “Yes I would — if I could afford it…

  1. angi

    i should have known. actually, the bad IS hot. i wasnt saying that it wasnt a good looking piece. i’m just amused at all the ways people are profiting from this man’s win. but hey, who am i to judge? maybe we can go half on the bag and split it….i want it inauguration night, tho

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