Faux, HELL No!

I’m in Poughkeepsie, NY. I went to a CVS this morning to look for a barrette, and I spotted this:

Faux hair. That’s an understatement. And there is nothing “hype” about it.

I laughed about this for most of the morning — texted the photo to friends, posted it on Facebook. But then it occurred to me that maybe in Poughkeepsie, NY CVS is where you buy weave (God I hope not)… And that made me sad.

I think we all know how I feel about CVS — I mean, I have a blog category dedicated to it — but some things are just wrong.

This is one of those things.

My friends are the bestest!


I have the most thoughtful friends… After all my complaining about the new $.o5 DC bag tax, and seeing how silly I looked a few weeks ago at CVS because I didn’t want to pay for a bag, my girlfriend Courtney sent me some reusable Eagles shopping bags AND a couple CVS bag tag coupons. CVS and the Iggles — my two favorite things!!! You’re the best Court. You know me so well. You made my month!

Pick your battles


So I went to CVS this afternoon — my first time in a store since the New Year. And for all my online complaining, I totally forgot about the city’s new shopping bag tax. I bought a quart of Listerine and a water pik and when the  cashier asked me if I’d like to buy a bag, I reflexively answered, “NO!”

Because the principle of paying for bags just seems ridiculous to me. Sure I had more stores to visit and I looked like I just boosted half the oral hygiene aisle… but I was proving a point to the DC City Council (via a cashier none of them  will ever meet who probably laughed her ass off when I left the store).


I recognize that this measure is supposed to help the city become greener and raise money for the cleanup of the Anacostia River — both good things. I just do not heart it. That being said, I’ll either be going out real soon to buy some large reusable bags or I’ll be bringing my own ‘lightly worn’ plastic bags (I’ve been stockpiling them for years) with me when I shop. Because my little protest accomplished nothing except for making me look a hot damn mess.

I’m learning to pick my battles. Haha, and there’s nothing I can do about this.

Another Snuggie convert

This one goes out to all of y’all who hate on my beloved Snuggie. Feel free to check out some of my other Snuggie posts

snug_blue snug_eagles

Anyway, I received the following e-mail on Facebook last nite. No further explanation needed. Read it and acknowledge the awesomeness of the Snuggie.

Please and thank you.

Click image to enlarge

I also would like to report that since my CVS blog I have brought a few people over from the drug store dark side to the light. I guess you could call me… a missionary of sorts.

You could also call me a few other things… but please, just not to my face. ;)

The form letter that made my day!

So, on a whim (and by “whim” I mean because I had absolutely nothing to do) I sent a link to my “Why I love CVS” video blog through the customer comments section of the CVS website. Yeah, I’m that lame. The following is the response I received this afternoon from them. Clearly it’s a form letter, but just the idea that someone who works in the CVS corporate office may be watching/have watched my video makes me tee hee ;)


I love this.

Some free Extra Care Bucks or some coupons would have been nice too… but I ain’t complainin’.

OK so maybe I’m a LITTLE obsessed with the Snuggie…

OK, so I was in my favorite store (CVS) tonite — as I am most nights — and as I was looking for some mailing labels, I came across Snuggies for sale on the value aisle…

I'm not a tattle-tale, but...

I'm not a tattle-tale, but...

Now, I was under the impression that Snuggies weren’t available in retail stores — that they could only be ordered through their official website. But apparently I was wrong. That or CVS is bootlegging Snuggies, in which case I apologize profusely for this post — I’m not trying to get you caught out there C-to-the-V…

All my friends know how much I love CVS. I’m always letting them know about the deals I find — trying to convert the non-believers. Please see the text convo between me and my girl Sandi:

—— SMS Text ——
To: 617*******

Omg, they sell snuggies at cvs. I just bought one. 14.99 now I’m ready for the pub crawl… Hooray!!!

—— SMS Text ——
From: 617*******
Sent: Mar 16, 2009 6:15 PM

Haha. Cvs really does have EVERYTHING!

—— SMS Text ——
To: 617*******

I been trying to TELL you…

—— SMS Text ——
From: 617*******
Sent: Mar 16, 2009 6:17 PM

I’ll never doubt you again.

Anyway, as you know I already have a custom NFL fleece Snuggie, made for me by my girl DWJ…

My Eagles Snuggie!

My Eagles Snuggie!

But I couldn’t pass up the chance to pick up the authentic Snuggie. Because I really want to attend the Snuggie Pub Crawl in DC and I’m not sure if you can do it without an official Snuggie… I’m getting a little discouraged though because I’ve still yet to be notified when the DC Snuggie Pub Crawl is taking place. I joined the mailing list, but we’re almost out of Snuggie weather so I’m wondering if they’re gonna nix some of the cities.

And yes, I’m so serious. First, they’re donating proceeds from the event to charity (or at least they better be!!!) And second… do you know how HILARIOUS that would be?!? I would do a two-camera shoot and recruit a crew of correspondents and hit the streets. Talk about a video blog that writes itself. Drunken Snuggie Monks roaming the Cap City. Man oh man… I really hope I get the chance.

I couldn't resist... $14.99 <i>AND</i> the book light. CAMMAN!

I couldn't resist... $14.99 AND the book light. CAMMAN!

Anyway, that’s me in my new Snuggie. Don’t be a hater. You know who you are ;) Holler.