
Apparently, Auntie’s baby is a bit concerned with my relationship status. His mom told me that last night when she was saying bedtime prayers with him they prayed for Auntie Rhonda and Uncle Charles, Auntie Peg and Uncle Nick, but when they got to Auntie Erin he said “And Uncle?…” And she had to say “No Uncle…”

No Uncle.

I hate that even the baby knows I suck at love. Of course he wasn’t trying to hurt my feelings but I feel like I need to defend myself. But how do you have that conversation with an 18-month old?

“Well Roman, Auntie Erin is isn’t married because she is very busy. I travel 4-5 days a week. And despite my outgoing on-stage persona, I’m a pretty shy when it comes to guys… I know, it surprises lots of people… Plus I have some trust issues. And very little game. What? No, gimme that. Do not put that in your mouth!…”


Kids sure do say the darndest (and realest) things.

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center — a photo essay


So last Friday while I was still in Cincy, I visited the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I felt like I needed to experience something moving and inspirational in order to balance out some of the other things I saw while I was there… The museum is relatively new (5 yrs.) and really one of the best I’ve ever been to. If you’re ever visiting Cincinnati, I highly recommend you visit.


There was an audio tour that you could listen to to enhance the exhibits. Really, really good.


I probably shouldn’t admit this, but whenever I see a photo of Frederick Douglass I can’t help but think of this guy from Tales from the Hood:


or Sam Jackson in Unbreakable:


I can’t help it. And I’m not gonna lie… I was a little disappointed that Sam Jackson wasn’t doing Frederick Douglass’ voice. Angela Bassett and Oprah lent their voices… I’m just sayin’. It’d have been perfect.

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Balancing the Qi in Cincinnati — sung to the tune of the WKRP theme song

My trip to Cincy has been absolutely delicious so far. And its only been a day. Last nite some  students brought their dog to one of my college shows. The dog was called Lil Nigga. I have so much more to say about that. Stay tuned for the video blog… Then today I witnessed a fight between two rival homeless factions in Fountain Square… It started like this:

“50-cent ho. That’s why you got pregnant by yo own cousin.”

“Yo mama’s a 50-cent ho. I would kill you but I don’t need another charge.”

Of COURSE I have videotape — who do you think you’re dealing with here? I can’t wait to get home and cut together this blog.

Tomorrow I think I’m gonna go to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. I feel like I need to go see something historical and meaningful and inspiring to counter the ignorance I’ve seen so far. I think of it as balancing the qi.

Be back soon, E

PHI 38, CAR 10


Hooray! Way to start the season!!!

Since I’ve got a lot of work to do, I’m just going to break up my comments on this game into two categories:

  1. Things that were fantastic
  2. Things that were not very fantastic

OK here we go…


Coach McDermott and the entire defense (but especially Sheldon Brown and Asante Samuel), DeSean Jackson, Nick Cole, Donovan McNabb, B. West — for looking very healthy… and of course Jake Delhomme. Hahaha ;)

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Here we go again…

Well, well, well…

It’s about that time again! We’ve got some new Happy/Sad Eagles Chronicles photos this season.

Today was a good day! Awww, boo!

Of course I hope I never have to use the photo on the right…

I’m excited that football is back in full swing! Even more excited that my friends Kendell and Dana have the NFL Sunday Ticket satellite package and several flat screen TVs. ;) Wooooo-hoooo! Let’s. Play. Ball.

The ultimate reward a.k.a. my Daddy loves his yard

My dad recently won theYard of the Month award from the city of Hampton, VA. They gave him a sign he gets to keep all month and everything. Plus as a monthly winner, he’s now in the running for Yard of the Year!


My dad has won numerous Man of the Year awards, garnered accolades on his job, and for his community service, but anyone that knows my dad knows that YOTM is pretty much the best compliment anyone could give him. Because he is a bit obsessed with his yard. He loves flowers so much my mom and I would swear he was gonna dig up the grass to make room for more. We used to joke that he would spend his very last dime on flowers and seeds and landscape beautification.

Admittedly, in the grand scheme of vices that’s not a bad one to have. But still…

He has chronic problems with his back so there were years when we lived in Jersey when he couldn’t mow the lawn himself so he’d hire kids in the neighborhood or his friends’ children to do it for him. But he always had a very specific pattern he wanted the grass cut in — alternating diagonals so you could see the color differentiation in the rows — and you BET NOT mess it up!!! My dad was in sales so when he was in town he worked from a home office that overlooked the front yard. And bad back and all I have — on numerous occasions — seen him bound down two flights of stairs to confront postal workers who cut across the lawn to deliver the mail.

They only ever did it once. Hahaha.

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