She’s your queen to be…

Is it just me or does this McCain-Palin match reek of an arranged marriage? I mean, it’s clear they didn’t know each other. I just picture McCain sitting in his Barker Lounger (you know he has one) after Barack’s speech last week and Karl Rove escorting Sarah Palin into the room a’ la Eddie Murphy and Vanessa Bell Calloway in Coming to America and saying, “Senator McCain… meet your queen. I mean, your VP.”


I’m not gonna get into the politics of how I feel about Republican politics. But suffice it to say that Tina Fey 2.0 is turning out to be quite the interesting character. But really… a one-liner about hockey moms and pit bulls? Guess she saves the good bits for 30 Rock.


Obama’s “BLACK” Press Conference

So, I’ve been slacking a little on reading some of my favorite blogs. And I just came across a gem from a few weeks back written by comedy buddy, vigilante pundit, and my personal blogging hero, Baratunde Thurston. The post is about the need for Barack Obama to clear the air and answer all questions and address all issues related to Black people in this country in order to shut the media up. Such a funny post!

Here are my three favorite “questions” from the blog (in no particular order):

  • Many black people believe whites are blue-eyed devils. I’ll take your silence as agreement.
  • Jovaunte Stephens of Atlanta, GA is scheduled for a probation hearing tomorrow. He insists he didn’t do shit wrong. Did he?
  • Where is Tupac? Seriously.

Check it out here and ENJOY!
