Me In Your City: Erie, PA

Here is the Me In Your City video blog from my recent trip to Erie, Pennsylvania. It was a LOT longer originally but I recently read an article that said that the average attention span for online videos is 2 minutes. So I cut it down some. Not for you guys — I know YOU guys could remain engrossed in my YouTube videos for hours… I shortened it for those OTHER folks on the ;) Hahaha.

Hope you enjoy!

Kickin’ it with Stifler’s mom


This past weekend I had the pleasure of working with Jennifer Coolidge at the Arlington Cinema ‘N Drafthouse in Arlington, VA. What a nice lady!!! Really, really liked her. Until I got the date I wasn’t even aware she did stand-up… although I’ve always thought she was  hilarious and am a huge fan of her movies. She was GREAT in Best in Show and A Mighty Wind and Legally Blonde... And who could forget her as Stifler’s mom in American Pie? It must be cool to be known as ‘The Original MILF!”

When I posted this photo of us on Facebook, my friend Odyssey quickly reminded me that she was also in the cinematic masterpiece Pootie Tang:


How could I forget Ireenie — the manipulative corporate-backed ho who tricked Pootie?



A very, very fun weekend! I’ve got so much cool news to share with you guys. I’ve been awfully sporadic with the posts, but for those of you who are still tuning in, I can’t wait to share! YAY!!! Talk soon! ;)

Erie is Irie with Erin


Having fun so far in Erie, PA!

I’m here working at Jr’s Last Laugh Comedy Club, and already this has been one of my favorite weeks of the year. We started off with a packed Thursday show. And THEN I had the pleasure of attending the “Erie Idol” finals where 20 Erie residents battled it out for karaoke supremacy and a big cash prize. Then after a 6am spot this morning on the local news to promote the shows, I did morning radio with Mojo, Nat & AC over at Rocket 101 and had a blast!

We literally talked about butt cracks for 4 breaks. I was thoroughly impressed.

I saw a man walking down the middle of the main street here wearing a gas mask. And I also lucked up and came into town during the weekend of the Erie Micro Brew Festival. One of the gentleman I met this morning at TV who was promoting it, gave me a free ticket to tomorrow’s 1pm event! Soooo… basically what I’m saying is if you happen to be in or around Erie, tomorrow’s shows are gonna be fantastic.

I taped a little bit of Erie Idol and I plan to take my camera to the Brew Festival. So stay tuned for a Me In Your City blog.

Thanks, Erie. I heart you already.

Stop… Hamid Time!!!


My mom called me up 2 nights ago while she was watching MSNBC to ask me why Hamid Karzai “wears those Hammer pants all the time? Is that a Muslim thing?”


Pretty sure I just lost consciousness there for a second. My mom is out of control. I literally couldn’t do my job without her.

P.S. The title for this blog came from the hilarious Sheila Robinson. Thanks girl for making me laugh out loud on the regular!

So long, old friend



This hurt. I mean it’s not like I didn’t know it was coming — I actually had a Google Alert set up to monitor the trade talks, but hearing the official word hit me hard.

Last nite I was pretty bummed. My Facebook timeline is filled with condolences and chiding. I felt like I did back when I wanted to quit 4th grade when my favorite teacher, Mrs. Ladd, went on maternity leave. But after Andy Reid’s press conference and listening to WIP 610 Sportstalk in Philly all nite and watching the ESPN reporting, I realize that they actually did the best they could by McNabb once they decided they were gonna trade him — which is waaaaaay more than I can say about the way they handled the Dawkins and Westbrooks trades. I mean offering Brian Dawkins (a captain, tested veteran, and the leader of your top-ranked defense) the same 2-year, 5-million dollar contract we gave to Michael Vick, our recently paroled, 3rd string QB experiment was just disrespectful. And notifying Brian Westbrook they were cutting him over the phone without even the courtesy of a conversation was just ugly.

It seems like in this situation Reid actually tried to get McNabb into the best situation for him considering what was out there. I’m interested to see how this intra-divisional trade thing works though. When they play each other you gotta figure no one knows McNabb and his tendencies like Andy Reid… But also no one knows the Eagles offense like McNabb, so he’s gonna be a great asset to the Washington on the defensive front too. I’m worried about the fact that there are virtually no veterans left on our team, but I feel much better about this trade today considering how badly Donovan has been treated by so many Eagles fans over the past decade.

I’m so ready for football.