Running into — OK from — my ex

It’s never fun when you run into an ex.’Cause they inevitably catch you on a bad day… And even if you look good, you never look good enough. I was on a train today and sat down right next to — I mean literally knees touching and everything — a man I was seriously involved with about 6 years ago. Didn’t see him when I got on the train and hadn’t seen him since the last time I kicked him out of the house. And wow was it awkward.

I was lucky — I actually looked half-way decent. But when he tapped me on my shoulder I literally stopped breathing for a bit. Apparently we’ve been riding the same train at the same time every day for years, but we’ve never run into each other before.

Our conversation was really superficial:

Me: “So… what stop do you get off at?” (Translation — How much longer are you going to be on this damn train?)

He: “Me? Oh, just two more stops to McPherson Square.” (Translation — Yeah I’m counting too.)

Me: Oh… Cool.

I found myself digging around in my bag for stuff that wasn’t there. Trying to figure out if I snuck and turned my head and put on some lip gloss would it be too obvious…

Of course it would, Erin. He’s already been looking in your face for 5 minutes. He will notice the hot pink gloss.

Damn. You’re right, self.

Exhale. No matter how curious you are about what the other person has been up to, or how good/bad the split was, running into an ex is never pleasant. It’s like [insert super-appropriate analogy]. I’m hoping I don’t run into him again. But please believe that I’m gonna step my Metro fashion game up.

Just in case ;)

B-I-N-G-O: Sit your Nellie ass down!!!


So tonite me and some friends went out to Drag Bingo at Nellie’s Sports Bar in DC. I’ve been hearing about it forever but tonite was my first time going. My friend Titi had never been either. We got there early and got a head start on the drinks and the wings ;) We were out celebrating our friend Ebone’s (she’s the one cheesing below ;) leaving her day job to pursue her own performance and event promotion career. She’s super-talented so Hooray for Ebone!!!


I knew right away I was gonna love Drag Bingo because before the game began, they gave out several containers of bubbles to every table… and y’all KNOW how much I heart bubbles...

The hostess for the evening was Shi-Queeta-Lee (below). Shi-Queeta is an awesome performer in her own right. In fact a couple years back, I did a Women’s History Month show with her at American University. She does a MEAN Tina Turner impression. And in those heels too — I need to see if she can help me learn how to walk in my new Joan & David’s


The photo below is of the second host, but I didn’t catch her name. She was so dope though. Continue reading →

An understandable mistake – Pt. 2


I know I’m not the only one who thinks Jimmy Buffet whenever they hear the name Warren Buffet. It’s an understandable mistake. Yes it is, shut up! ;) But dude, I’m so glad the Margaritaville guy isn’t Barack’s advisor on the economy — though  he has managed to stretch one admittedly catchy song into a very profitable career… On second thought, maybe Barack should consider him for a cabinet slot ;)

Shoes you can’t use

OK, so I’ve never been an extremely girly girl. I’ve always taken care with my hair, nails and feet (actually I think I may go a little overboard on the pedicures… ;) But a fresh pair of tennis shoes or boots and jeans has been my uniform for most of my life. I’ve always looked for jobs where I didn’t have to dress up — it was literally a dealbreaker in several cases. Yay for comedy!!!But the older I get, the ‘girlier’ I get — if that makes sense. Now that I’m in my thirties, I wear makeup more often, buy colors other than blue and black, I buy cute little purses, and perhaps the ultimate in girly-girl-ishness — I buy really hot shoes that I can’t walk in. Oh yeah!

Because I don’t go out much outside of comedy clubs, I rarely have occasion to dress up. So now whenever I get the chance to go somewhere nice, I dress it up as much as possible. I’m going to the thee-a-tah (read: theatre) later this week and I had a really pretty dress picked out to wear, but BFF Kellz said that people don’t get that dressed up any more for regular theatre shows. Is that going to stop me? Probably not. I don’t think I’ve ever been overdressed for anything. Maybe it’ll be a nice experience ;)

I bought a pair of shoes today to go with my pretty thee-a-tah dress. They are soooo cute — black peep-toe Joan & David patent pumps. I heart them soooo much. But I’m having a bit of a hard time walking in them. Not because they hurt my feet, but because I simply don’t have much practice with heels. I know. I need to get it together ;) I’m sure that by the end of the evening my feet will be screaming… but isn’t that the price we must pay? I was talking to a boy today about how determined I was to master walking in my new, fabulous shoes, and he said — and I quote — “I don’t get why women do that.” Yeah, sure… He says he doesn’t get it, yet I’m pretty sure that if he saw a woman out in a super-hot dress wearing shoes like mine, she’d catch his attention.

I mean, sure we do it so we feel pretty. But we want boys to look at us too ;)

How un-feminist [yet completely honest] of me ;)