OK, so I’ve been thinking a lot lately about who could play Barack Obama in the [inevitable] movie about his meteoric rise and historic accomplishment. His physical appearance immediately rules out some of Black Hollywood’s current default players (Don Cheadle, Chiwitel Ejiofor — not even Denzel could pull this one off ;). But I actually think that’s a good thing. No need to take jobs away from qualified light-skinned actors. ;) Beige brothas need love too!
Here are a few of my early choices to play Pres-Elect Obama:
Giancarlo Esposito – Been in-heart with him since School Daze. He could be “President Big Brother Almigh-TY”
Harry J. Lennix – IMO, one of the closest to Barack in appearance. Picture him thinner with his hair cut real close… ;) Continue reading →