OK, so I’ve been thinking a lot lately about who could play Barack Obama in the [inevitable] movie about his meteoric rise and historic accomplishment. His physical appearance immediately rules out some of Black Hollywood’s current default players (Don Cheadle, Chiwitel Ejiofor — not even Denzel could pull this one off ;). But I actually think that’s a good thing. No need to take jobs away from qualified light-skinned actors. ;) Beige brothas need love too!

Here are a few of my early choices to play Pres-Elect Obama:


Giancarlo EspositoBeen in-heart with him since School Daze. He could be “President Big Brother Almigh-TY”


Harry J. LennixIMO, one of the closest to Barack in appearance. Picture him thinner with his hair cut real close… ;)


Will SmithHe *does* have the ears ;)


Roger Guenveur SmithSuch an amazing actor on stage and screen

Which one of these fellas do you think would be best? Do you have any other suggestions?…

6 thoughts on “Barack Obama: The Motion Picture

  1. Beckie

    I say no to Roger G. Smith…he’s an OVERactor! So is Hill Harper!

    Yes to Will, as long as Jada doesn’t try to play Michelle!

    Michael Ealy? He’d have to wear contacts…I would luv to be his press secretary!

    BTW…who would you cast as Michelle? I think she’s harder to cast because you need a sister who could pull off blue collar+Ivy League+corporate mom…helluva combo for Hollywood. The closest I can think of is Gabrielle Union, but I’m not thrilled about it. I like Regina King, but she got a lil too much Boondocks goin’ on! Joy Bryant? Jill Marie Jones?

    Actually, I’d prefer to see some new faces…I’m not sure Hollywood can fit the bill on either one!

  2. Erin

    Good point Beckie,

    For Michelle, you’d want someone refined like an Angela Bassett. She’s sooooo bad! ;) But you’d need someone younger. Some new blood would be good. Maybe that will be my next post!

  3. gerald

    without a doubt Harry J. Lennix is the ultimate perfect selection to play Obama. He not only looks like him, their voices are very similar. the only difference is really the shape of the head and ears, but other than that he has the president down pack when it comes to looks.

  4. Pat Shingange

    I think Hill Harper and Michael Ealy could play young Obama. Harry J. Lennix could play an older version of Obama

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