I’m on FACEBOOK now — come join me! & Happy Birthday Beckie!

Hey there you guys!

In my continual attempt to become medium-tech by 2009, I have upgraded from MySpace to Facebook. I’ll still maintain my MySpace page, but I created a fan/celeb page on Facebook just last nite and I’d love it if those of y’all on FB would join me there! It’s way easier to communicate. Plus I was told that being 30 and having only the MySpage page was no longer cool ;)

Here’s the link:

Join me on Facebook!!!


I’m allergic to everything and my friends are ridiculous

This is an e-mail exchange I just had with my friend Ryan after asking if I could crash at his place in NYC this weekend. You’ll probably need to read from the bottom up to get it. This proves how ridiculously hilarious my friends are. 

You’re welcome. And Ryan, you make me LOL.

From: Ryan Conner
Date: 2008/04/28 Mon PM 01:54:07 CDT
To: Erin Jackson
Subject: Re: Re: saturday

No pets. Are you allergic, or do you really like to pet things?

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 2:44 PM, Erin Jackson wrote:
Awesome! Thanks Ryan. I’ll be on my best behavior ;) oh wait, do u guys have any pets? i always forget to ask that.

From: Ryan Conner
Date: 2008/04/28 Mon AM 10:12:02 CDT
To: Erin Jackson
Subject: Re: saturday

You can definitely stay with me.