Walking on water is cool, but…


Yesterday, while I was walking down the shore to get to the Sea of Galilee, one of the rocks gave way and I twisted my ankle a bit and my foot fell in between two big boulders. Jesus walked on water there and now I’m almost as impressed that He made it down the rocks without breaking His neck. I shook it off because: Tour of Israel. Duh. But last night it got really swollen and bruised and I could barely walk on it.


Better this morning, or maybe I’m just so committed to this hotel breakfast buffet that I’m pushing thru the pain. Either way, not letting it stop me from doing or seeing anything. Phrase of the day:

“Hey guys, wait for me!”

P.S. Dont judge my Guinness PJ’s. They’re comfy and frothy and refreshing.

Oh Ch-Ch-Chilly Jordan

A video posted by Erin Jackson (@ejthecomic) on

Today was our day off to tour and see some more of the country. Our driver and tour guide, Zev, started by giving us a brief, but really thorough overview of the formation of the state of Israel and the origins of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I knew the basics, but he really colored it in for us. Once we got on the road, we headed north towards the Sea of Galilee, where the Biblical story of Jesus walking on water takes place. Zev helped me climb down the rocky bank to sit at the water’s edge so I could take it all in for a moment. What an amazing moment to be in a place you’ve heard about since you were a little kid in Sunday School! The forecast called for heavy rain, and I was hoping all day yesterday it wouldn’t be too miserable to visit all the historical sites. It wound up being just the most perfect day. #WontHeDoIt

Next, we visited the The Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish, which was built on the site where Jesus is believed to have fed 5,000 followers with 5 loaves of bread and two fish. I have easily eaten 5 loaves of bread by myself since I got here. Pita, laffa… There’s delicious, irresistible bread at every turn. Clearly, Atkins has not yet made it to the Holy Land. Sadly, a pair of Jewish extremists set fire to the church this summer and painted graffiti on the walls so a portion of the church is boarded up. Such a disgrace, but they are rebuilding and it will be restored very soon.

We also visited the Jordan River, where Jesus was baptized. I’ve seen that baptismal scene rendered thousands of times, and once I found out I could, I bought a baptismal gown from the gift shop and went down into the river. It was kinda freezing (“oh ch-ch-chilly Jordan,” indeed, Take 6) and there were tons of catfish swimming around my ankles. They could’ve been the great-great-great… grandchildren of the catfish who swam around Jesus’ ankles. Shut up. Yes, the could have.

jordan 4
I was raised in the Baptist church, and though I’m not very religious as an adult, I believe in God and the teachings of the Bible. And I felt so connected to the sites we visited today. I am so grateful to be on this trip and I can’t wait to visit Jerusalem.

Talk soon.

The View


Good morning!

I made it to Tel Aviv yesterday afternoon and we had our first show last night–hours after I landed–in a town called Be’er Sheva. Really fun crowd. I met so many New Jersey transplants; several were from my hometown! The show was in a small, black box theater that sat maybe 80. But tonight’s show is in a 500-seat theatre, which should be awesome. We’re staying in a really great hotel and I’m running on fumes, but I got up bright and early to enjoy the hotel’s legendary breakfast spread and do some sightseeing. I’m not gonna let a little thing like exhaustion keep me from being great. I took this awesome panoramic (this is my first ever panoramic) from the balcony of my hotel room. We’re right on the Mediterranean (left) and we saw surfers out yesterday. Definitely gonna go down closer to the beach today.

Desperately seeking caffeine,

Biding my time in Rrroma


Did you roll your mind’s r’s when you read that? Awesome.

I just landed in Rome for the layover on my way to Tel Aviv. The foundation flew me here like I was fancy so I got to sit in one of those cubbies with the ottoman and the massage chair and the four-course meal. And the free wine. Oh, the free wine… Much of my life as a comic would make for an epic struggle rap, but on some days, I feel like I’ve made some pretty decent life choices.

When I get to Tel Aviv, I’m on my own to get to the hotel, because it’s Sabbath and the car service is not available. I’m looking forward to that little adventure, a couple hours of sleep and then our first show tonite!

P.S. It will be 9am here when I board the next flight. I will be requesting more free wine.

Talk soon!

Holy Land Holiday

This Thanksgiving weekend, I am traveling to ISRAEL! I know, right?!

I am honored and excited to have been invited to perform on the Koby Mandell Foundation‘s Comedy for Koby Winter 2015 tour. The Foundation is named for a young teenager who was murdered by terrorists in 2001 while hiking near his home, and is designed to help family members of victims of terror and others who have lost loved ones in tragic circumstances by providing them with a social support network and a variety of programs that helps them deal with the loss. They run a summer camp for kids, called Camp Koby, and host events throughout the year.

I’ll be joining three other comics for eight shows in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Gush Etzion, Modiin, Ra’Anana, Be’er Sheva and Beit Shemesh. I’m looking forward to the shows and seeing everything I possibly can while there. I’ve got all my gadgets and chargers and converters ready for the flight This is gonna be the trip of a lifetime. Can’t wait to share it with all of you!


I was fast asleep in my aisle seat when she woke me up, fumbling for the button that would recline hers. Annoyed, I cut my eyes at her, then tried to get back to sleep.

“Do you fly this route often?” she asked.

I told her that I fly a lot, but this was my first trip to Montana.

“Do you take out travel insurance when you fly?”

I told her I’d never bought it.

“This was my first time getting the insurance. My husband Jim and I flew out to Great Falls last weekend.”

I really wished she’d leave me be.

“He died on Tuesday.”

She went on to tell me how the insurance company covered her hotel stay for three nights, rescheduled her flights and covered the full cost of her husband’s cremation—his ashes were in an urn in the overhead compartment. Right next to my backpack.

“All that for $92. Can you believe it?”

Her name was Cindy and she was from Massachusetts. A couple for 14 years, she and Jim had been married for only four. He’d been in home hospice care on the east coast, but was still fiercely independent. Montana was Jim’s favorite place on earth.

He’d been her second husband. Her first had passed years earlier, after a car accident had left him paralyzed. He spent two years in a rehabilitation center, and she’d been with him nearly every day. Jim had promised her that he would never become a burden. “I’ll never do to you what [her first husband] did. You won’t have to take care of me.” He died peacefully in his sleep.

I covered her hand with mine and asked her how she was doing.

“I’m doing OK. God must think I have strong shoulders.”

Indeed, he must. We talked for the duration of the flight; she shared special moments from her lives with both men. The time she hired a belly dancer to perform for her first husband in the rehab center, and all the other patients crashed their private party. How she and Jim met while he was working on the Big Dig.

“No more husbands for me. But with my record, who’d marry me?”

She laughed.

I’ve never been good at finding the right words in situations like this. But I got the sense that she just needed someone to listen. I felt guilty for being so caught up in my own stuff and wanting to tune her out, but there’s no way I could have known what she’d been through. I just hope our conversation brought her even the tiniest bit of peace. I said a prayer for her when we landed, and I told her I would continue to pray for her.

God bless you, Cindy.

“In your life you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some, you wonder what happened to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some that you wish you never have to think about again. But you do.” — C.S. Lewis

Pillow Fight


Yesterday, on my flight from Seattle to Dallas, I had the most passive-aggressive pillow fight ever with the woman seated in front of me. She wasn’t using her neck pillow and she kept pushing it into my lap. Grrrrr!!! A big believer in living within the space designated for you while flying, and admittedly a little cranky from being on the road for 3 weeks, I kept pushing it back onto her side. She could have easily just put it away, but she didn’t. She kept stuffing it back in the window and nudging it back with her elbow. So it was “on.” No words were ever spoken, but it went on for nearly 10 minutes. I was flying US Airways, so there was no video screen in her headrest; I had to amuse myself somehow. Every time I pushed it back in her window, I would see her huff and puff and almost turn around, but she never did. I guess we were both being petty, but stop encroaching on my personal space, lady! I wish I’d videotaped it. It was hilarious.

Oh and in case you’re wondering, I won.

Maybe this makes me a bad person. But I needed it.

The end.