Why do I even keep this blog page on my site? Really. Once a month? This is really sad. I’m sure I’ve personally spoken with everyone who reads this blog within the past month. You don’t have to come here to find out what’s up with me…
For the none or two of you who might still be reading… I’ll give you quick summary of what I did between July 9 and today… Let’s see… I worked with Roy Wood, Jr. at the Comedy Factory in Baltimore. He’s amazing. That was fun. My photo was in the weekend section of the Washington Post Express… It was probably the worst picture ever taken of me, but it was in print so I’m not complaining. We had another hugely successful weekend with the Broad Minded Comedy shows. I took some new headshots and I think they came out great…
Next weekend I’m going up to Lewes, DE to perform at an outdoor family festival Friday and Saturday. So I plan to head over to Rehoboth. I haven’t been to the beach in at LEAST 3 or 4 summers. I know… I know… as much as the idea of putting on a bathing suit thrills me… I somehow haven’t had the urge. So I am looking forward to that as well… Got a few other projects in the works… I’ll catch you all up as soon as there’s more info to share… or you know, next month sometime when I sit back down and force myself to blog again…
Before I go, wrote a bit yesterday about prayer and religion, that’s not really about prayer and religion. It’s like the religious joke that isn’t. I think it has legs. I just need to get it out of my head so I know for sure… Sometimes it’s hella funny in there but once I say it out loud, I wanna apologize to the audience. Stay tuned. If it works like I think it could, it’ll be right up there w/ my I don’t trust senior citizens bit. Gold people… or should I say, person. Gold I say.