We all have them. All of us. You, too. Sure, some are more socially acceptable than others. But don’t judge someone for succumbing to their vice(s) without first examining how susceptible you are to yours. Our weaknesses don’t mean we can’t still be good people. With good hearts. Who have people who love and depend upon us. Our vices don’t negate our talent. Or the impact our lives have had on the world. In fact many times, they’re what fueled it. You may not think your vices have the potential to take you down. But they do. All of them. Yours, too.
Remember that when you think about how you want to be remembered.
“Let’s stop the bullshittin’/Til we all without sin let’s quit the pulpittin'” — Jay-Z
Preach Sista Erin! I know I can’t throw not one stone because my vice list is a MESS!!