I road tripped to Jersey today because the university I graduated from was playing Rutgers University. which is in my hometown, We didn’t expect that we’d win. Rutgers is looking pretty good this year… and our team… well, let’s just say our band is the bomb :) During the third quarter I walked a few rows down to talk to someone I hadn’t seen in a while and I happened to glance to the left and realize I’m standing right next to James Gandolfini. I touched his arm and said, “You’re Jim Gandolfini.” DUH, like he didn’t know that… You’d think that as a stand-up I’d be better on my feet… but this was a pretty big. I mean I am a Jersey Girl fo’ sho’ and The Sopranos is just sooooo Jersey. Nobody seemed to see him but me, but I KNOW he was real :) I think… Apparently he graduated from Rutgers and he came to the game to see our band (ahem, ahem… that’s the world famous Showtime Marching Band in case you were wondering). But really, how cool is that? I talked to Tony Soprano… I swear I miss Jersey so much.