Ciroc Obama


This is Barack Obama. He is the 44th President of the United States of America.

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Now, on the far left here we have ‘Ciroc Obama’ — a drink our gracious host Martin created and served at his election night party. It consisted of Ciroc Vodka, pineapple juice (to honor Barack’s Hawaiian upbringing) and a little cranberry juice (to remember the blood of our fallen ancestors). Creative, yet deep. Gold star for Martin! In the middle are me and BFF Kellz being overwhelmed by the moment. And on the right is Jesse Jackson in the midst of an equally ugly cry… I couldn’t resist ;)

What an amazing evening! GO-BAMA!!!

In case you needed any more motivation…


My friend Amber just e-mailed me this photo. In case you can’t believe your eyes, I can confirm dude’s shirt says, “NIGG** PLEASE!! It’s a WHITE House.” I’m not sure if this was a forward or something she or someone she knows saw… But either way, this just gives me one more reason to get up at the butt crack of dawn on Nov. 4th and vote. I’ll vote twice if I can.

Hope dude doesn’t do anything to hurt himself on Nov. 5th once Barack locks it in (please read the sarcasm).

Barack the Vote.