I hate doctor’s offices too, Jerry

OK so we all know how I heart Jerry Seinfeld…

I had an experience in a doctor’s office yesterday that reminded me of his ‘Doctors’ bit. So I thought I’d post this cute little video and a photo of me waiting ;) You’re welcome. Tee hee ;) I just don’t get why we have to put on the robe to wait. If I already gotta sit there for 35-40 minutes, why do I have to have my ass out?

Ahhhh, one of life’s seminal questions…

The waiting game...

The waiting game...

And here’s Jerry’s take on doctors. If you’ve never seen this bit, enjoy. And if you know it… sing along! ;)

Have a great day, y’all

Dig it up

I know we buried the “N” word last year.

But it’s time to dig it up. Because there’s no other word fit to describe the people behind this container of ‘BlackQuick‘. No matter what race the person was, that would still be the most appropriate word.

I hate EVERYTHING about this

I hate EVERYTHING about this

Is it possible to UN-see something you’ve already seen?

Damn you, ‘English’ and whoever gave you the materials for your art project.


A love letter… kinda

Every now and then something happens that reminds me of a time when life was truly simple. Before 9-to-5’s and credit cards bills, and mortgage payments and heartbreak…

If you’ve seen my live show, it’s no secret that I’m not really plugged into the dating scene. I don’t bitch or complain about being single, but it’s part of my life and I address it. Well, I was working in Baltimore this weekend, and as I was coming off stage at the late show, a guy passed me this note:

No really, if this doesn't make you smile...

No really, if this doesn't make you smile...

This is probably the most adorable thing I’ve seen in a while. I haven’t gotten a “circle yes or no” letter since grade school. It was written on the back of a comment card, so I didn’t know what he was giving me. I didn’t see what it said until I got into the lobby but when I read it I laughed out loud. For real too, not that LOL crap ;) I didn’t get a good look at the guy who gave it to me, and I hope he didn’t think I was being rude by not acknowledging it. If anyone could appreciate the humor in that it was me. But I couldn’t go back into the showroom during the headliner’s set and start a convo. But if by chance he took a website card and is reading this: Thanks, Joey. You made my nite!

Remember these?

Remember these?

The only thing that could possibly have topped that note would have been if dude had made one of those origami fortunetellers. Remember those? Oh my goodness! We used those things to find out who we were gonna marry, how many kids we were gonna have… I’m sure I had at least 3 or 4 of them confiscated per day.

Aaaah… to be young again.

I wanted to see if I could still remember how to make these things… So at 4:34 a.m. I decided to give it a go:

Still got it!

Still got it!

Oh yeah! Haha… Off to bed with me.