So fellow football fans… the matchup is set. Indy vs. Chicago in the Superbowl. Two Black coaches! Woo-hoo! Back in ’05 when Philly beat ATL for the NFC title, it was bittersweet for a lot of Black folks. Yes, there was a Black QB in the Superbowl but he had to take out another Black QB to get there. This year, two Black coaches in the big game can only mean one thing…
The Superbowl is gonna end in a tie.

I’m waaaay too cynical to believe that a Black coach is actually gonna win the Superbowl. So I say, look for some last minute rule changes and some creative officiating…  Sounds crazy now, I know. But when February 4th gets here, remember where you heard it first. In fact, I’m thinking about getting some “Superbowl XLI – Tie Game” t-shirts printed up. Copyright it before anyone else thinks of it… Get your order in now and beat the rush! Don’t you dare jack my idea.

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