I always thought this phrase came from Biblical scripture, but I recently found out that it doesn’t. Even so, it’s as, if not more comforting to me in times of distress than anything I’ve ever read in the Bible.
I’ve been going through a pretty rough time the last month or so. And telling myself (sometimes hourly) that nothing lasts forever really is the only thing that even remotely helps. There is a very strange dichotomy when your job is to make people laugh and you’re hurting on the inside. You feel like a phony. And you get through the shows and you go back home or to your hotel room, and you wish there was someone there whose job it was to cheer you up… The sad clown metaphor is hella cliche, but it summarizes the situation perfectly.
I don’t mean to complain. I love my job. But like anything in life there are times when you JUST DON’T WANT TO. Friends have asked, “Why don’t you write about it?” And I will. When and if it becomes funny to me. But right now I just wanted to say again for myself and to anyone reading who needs to hear it:
No matter what you’re going through…
When I worked in college admissions there was a girl who put phrase into her college essay…. too bad it was about a pink balloon she’d swallowed.
i’m going through a rough patch too and i needed to hear this. thanks. you are incredibly talented and though i don’t know you it is obvious that you’re good people. keep ya head up.
It’s wonderful that you shared what others are also going through – you’re not alone. But I’m talking about me – that’s what I always say when someone tells me that I’m not alone (lol).
I could work with you if you like. I am a spirituality coach – helping artists transition from poverty to prosperity. I’m here!
Love, Peace and Balance