I was sitting on the floor by my gate in the Philadelphia airport this morning when I saw a sight that surely would have buckled my knees had I been standing. There was a lady wearing one of those super high (higher than the one pictured) orthopedic shoes you wear when one of your legs is shorter than the other on one of her feet. And on the other foot… was a Skechers Shape Up. Now, I’ve always thought they looked like orthopedic shoes, but to see one paired up with an actual shoe lift was just too much.
If the Skechers marketing team was smart, they’d ditch the “they help you become fit and toned doing everyday stuff and hey Joe Montana wears them too” angle and press forward with the “perfect if you’re in an aircast or have a little leg” angle. Whether they realize it or not, it’s what that ugly ass shoe was put on this earth to do.
It’s time for Skechers Shape Ups to step into their destiny.
I really don’t have a lot more to say about that, other than I wish you — and by “you” I mean “every single one of you” — could have been there to see it.
It was pink. Did I mention it was pink?
OK, then. Bye.
FYI…my Mom bought some of those sneakers over Thanksgiving…I don’t want to talk about it.
.-= DWJ´s last blog ..The 2010 Gifts & Glamour Guide =-.
Oh Noooooooooo!!! I think I need to call Ms. Teresa…
Erin, I am embarrassed to say that I just laughed (very loudly) in my office at this post. The “…perfect if you have a little leg…” part did me in.