So maybe it’s a little extreme to say that Monday was my ‘very best day ever.’ I mean my wedding day and the birth of my first and third children should probably be at the top of my ‘very-best-day-ever-ometer…’

Wait… What’s that? I’m single and childless? You are so right…

Monday WAS my very best day ever ever! Here’s the part of the interview where I tell Ellen about my worst show ever. Feel free to laugh at my pain.

7 thoughts on “Chattin’ about my worst day ever on my very best day ever

  1. EJ

    Thanks Jimmy Merritt! ;) So funny. During the commercial right before she said something like, “I read the notes on your awful show. I have had some really bad ones too. Nowhere near that bad, but bad…”

    So funny ;)

  2. Aparna

    ZOMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, grrrrrl. Thank you for giving your hungry readers the recaps they need to keep their eyes strong and their work ethics weak.


  3. Cecilia

    Hey! I saw you on Ellen. Just wanted to say that I’ll definatly keep an eye out for you in the future. Ellen is unquestionably on to something when she says that you’re hilarious!
    Good luck with everything!
    //Cecilia (from Sweden)

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