Prior to becoming a comic I worked in higher education for about 8 years — at two different universities and later, a newspaper that covered the higher-ed industry. During that time, I saw the popularity of online degree and certificate programs skyrocket. A great option for non-traditional students, their pitch used to be ‘flexible scheduling for parents and working professionals.’ Now, apparently it’s devolved into ‘you can go to school in your pajamas.’
I Go to School In My Pajamas! Distance Learning Education – The funniest videos clips are here
This is nothing if not a testament to how lazy we’ve become as a country. And I can’t help but feel that if getting dressed is what was preventing you from completing your degree, maybe college isn’t for you. I mean really, is there anyone out there like, “Man, I really want to become a lawyer and help level the playing field and fight the many injustices in this world… Wait. What? I have to wear pants? Awww, nah then… I’m good on that.”
Doubt it.
The pants requirement is totally keeping me from getting my doctorate. Totally.
.-= DWJ´s last blog ..Happy Birthday- My Love =-.
Why do you have to call me out? Yes, sure getting a master’s might be free since I work for a university but I like to consider my outside-of-work time as the pants free zone. Don’t judge me woman!
I KNEW that was it!
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