Sometimes I like to play Russian Roulette with my “dry clean only” clothes and throw them in the washing machine. It’s not because I can’t afford to have them cleaned. I do it for the thrill… and also because I secretly think there’s some kind of collusion between designers and dry cleaners… No way some of these fabrics can’t survive in the regular wash. I swear some of these designers get a cut of dry cleaning industry profits. 80% Cotton? I’m not sending that to the dry cleaners. You gotta be kidding me. I’m willing to throw it in the machine and roll the dice… or spin the wheel… or cock the pistol — feel free to choose the metaphor that works best for you.
When I win, it is EXHILARATING!
When I lose, it is EXPENSIVE.
Totally agree with you! Alice apparently found out that as long as the tag doesn’t say Dry Clean ONLY, then you should be able to at least hand wash the item. Yea, I’ve always thought it’s a conspiracy between the designers and dry cleaners too – I mean, really, how clean is it if it’s “dry” cleaning?
The “dry” in dry cleaning only means cleaning without water (or virtually no water). The garments are not “DRY” at all. Solvents, soap, and sizing are used to thoroughly clean the garments. The garments go in the wheel dry, go through a liquid cleaning process, an extract cycle, followed by a dry cycle. They come out of the machine dry, ready to be inspected, separated into lots and sent to pressing.
Trust me….there is NO conspiracy between cleaners and designers! I can only wish that designers would talk to cleaners before they design and manufacture clothing. It would certainly help your neighborhood cleaners.
I must agree with you on this one. I also do this quite a lot. I mostly look at the fabric, and if the fabric looks pretty sturdy for the laundry, then I put it in the washer. Most of the time my clothes come out fine…