They give out medals for that?

So I’m watching the Olympics and I see that the American shooter, Kim Rhode has just won the gold medal in the skeet competition. She’s won medals in five consecutive Olympic games, which is awesome. U-S-A!!! U-S-A!!! I don’t know much anything about the shooting events, and I certainly didn’t know you could earn a medal for shooting skeet, but from what little I know about skeeting (I’m a good Christian girl) I’d have assumed it was a strictly male sport.

I could barely type this with a straight face.

Awww skeet, skeet.

Pool Envy

This water park is in the middle of the hotel I’m staying in this weekend. Like for real right in the middle of it. It’s called the Coco Key Water Resort, and the first day I went over to the waterpark and had a drink at the bar just outside the gates and watched all the kids sliding and playing and splashing around. Then I realized how creepy I must have looked as the only adult there without a child, and I decided to go hang out around the regular pool.

Back in the day when I was young
I’m not a kid anymore
But some days I sit
And wish I was a kid again

I is…

I is kind. I is smart. I is important.

On my way back from my show tonite in Orlando, I saw this blown-out Chili’s sign with and I had to snap this pic. I just watched “The Help” on HBO this weekend so this scene was fresh in my mind. My college booking agent Bridget says this to me whenever I’m being needy. Every time I think of her sarcastic consolations, I laugh uncontrollably. I know she’s mocking me, but it still makes me feel better. I posted this on Facebook and my cousin Adrianne said that my eye is fine tuned to the peculiar — that she would never have noticed something like this.

Ha. It’s all I could see.